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You Will Never Run Out

Posted on 24 March 2020

The world is at a standstill literally as countries across the globe are practicing lockdown in a bid to contain the spread of Covid19.

We at Summer & Peach are all to support our PM's move to #StayHome and trust us when we say that we share the same worries that most households have; the access to basic essentials, job security and what-not.

There has not been a better time for many things that we might not have put a lot of thoughts in, namely: 


The neighbourhood friendly online deliveries of groceries (think Grabfood, dahmakan, FoodPanda)


Virtual workplace and collaboration, digitization of various services 


And may we now propose, the sustainable and high quality ORGANICUP MENSTRUAL CUP



Why Menstrual Cup is An Attractive Alternative At Such A Time As This:


1) One Cup = 10 Years

Yes ladies, you heard me right.

All you need is just one high quality menstrual cup and you're good for up to 10 years (with proper care of course)

So no, you don't have to make a run to the pharmacy in your neighbourhood, what with the restrictive movement nowadays.


2) The Huge Saving 

One would typically use 3 to 6 pads or tampons a day, depending on your flow. In an average, Aunt Flo's visit might lasts up to 5 days per cycle. 

So let me do some maths here:

6 pads * 5 days * 12 months= 360 pads/year or 3600 pads/10 years.

Credit: GIPHY


The average cost of pads or tampons use (assuming each piece is RM0.50), we are talking about a saving of RM1800!

Now if there are a few ladies in a household that makes the switch, you will see the multiplication of savings here.

Now i can already imagine how savings like this can really come in handy.


3) Be Kind To Mother Nature

Let us spare a thought on sustainability for our Mother Nature. Menstrual cup usage will reduce the use of disposable pads/tampons of about 3600 pads per person, per 10 years. Imagine the huge reduction in our dumpster if more of us are joining in this movement.


Not a pretty sight, but it's the sad reality. 


Photo Credit:https://edition.cnn.com/


4) Best  Time to Try

I'm not gonna lie, it takes huge courage to sort of put in on (or 'up' in this instance?).

And lots of mental preparation.

Or for some people that i know, they just went past the mental preparation stage and, just do it.

As we are either working or camped up at home, there is no better time to just 'woman up' and really just do it.


Credit to: GIPHY



Ladies, last but not least, let's brace this difficult times together. Let's also take this time appreciate our family and friends, and not to forget the brave front-liners, be it health workers, food deliveries workers, police and army that are doing their very best for you and I.



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